Learning Dashboard > Introduction to Genome-Wide Association Analysis / Fundamentals of Genetic Association Testing Part III

Introduction to Genome-Wide Association Analysis / Fundamentals of Genetic Association Testing Part III

Welcome to the homepage for all content related to Introduction to Genome-Wide Association Analysis / Fundamentals of Genetic Association Testing Part III for the GINGER Program! You may navigate to the individual parts within Introduction to Genome-Wide Association Analysis / Fundamentals of Genetic Association Testing Part III by clicking on the tabs below. There are three parts to this module with corresponding videos and learning checks available as you click each link.

Learning Objectives

  • Reviewing statistics concepts: type 1 and type 2 error, significance level. Understanding definition of p-value.
  • Understanding GWAS power estimation including:
    • GWAS power estimation for cohort studies
    • GWAS power estimation for Case-Control studies with an emphasis on how power varies with minor allele count.
    • How type 1 error increases in the case of binary outcomes and rare variants.
    • Case-control imbalance issues. Providing a hands-on example (Quanto, mgh-hedwig)
  • Understanding multiple testing problem.
    • Defining ways to correct for multiple testing: Bonferroni correction.
    • Defining where the “GWAS significant threshold” comes from

Lecture Videos and Learn Checks

Below is an overview of this module. Please watch the required videos and complete the corresponding learning checks to self-assess your comprehension of the key concepts covered. After you have completed the videos and learning checks, please complete the corresponding assignment.

Course Content