Teaching Fellows Program
As a sub-component of GINGER, the Teaching Fellows program was developed to give US based PhD and post-doctoral students the opportunity to gain curriculum development and teaching experience.
For the 2017-2020 program, GINGER selected 21 postdoctoral scholars and graduate students affiliated with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and Columbia University.
Each individual works alongside GINGER and/or collaborating institution faculty to participate in one or more aspects of the program, including (1) co-teaching or serving as a Teaching Assistant for on-site trainings at partner institutions, (2) providing instruction for “virtual classrooms” for the GINGER Fellows, and/or (3) general curriculum development. Through their participation, GINGER Teaching Fellows gain valuable early-career opportunities to work collaboratively with diverse teams both locally and internationally.
Beginning with the first on-site training in Kampala, Uganda, in June 2018, GINGER also implemented a Junior Researchers network to promote collaboration amongst participants of the on-site trainings and GINGER Teaching Fellows, facilitated by but independent of the GINGER program.