GINGER On-site Training in Durban, South Africa – February 2019

GINGER hosted its 4th on-site training in Durban, South Africa from February 4-16, 2019. The training was run in collaboration with the Discipline of Psychiatry at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, led by Department Head Prof. Bonga Chiliza, who also serves as the Chair of the NeuroGAP Advisory Board, and Senior Specialist and Lecturer Dr. Saeeda Paruk. Topics included research methods and analysis in biostatistics and epidemiology, R programming, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and data management. The course was led by GINGER’s Director and Associate Director, Drs. Lori Chibnik and Bizu Gelaye, who were joined by GINGER Teaching Fellows Dr. Sali Farhan of the Broad Institute, and Drs. Zachary McCaw and Katrina Devick of the Harvard-Chan School.