News Archive: 2019

GINGER On-site Training in Durban, South Africa - February 2019

GINGER hosted its 4th on-site training in Durban, South Africa from February 4-16, 2019. The training was run in collaboration with the Discipline of Psychiatry at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, led by Department Head Prof. Bonga Chiliza, who also serves as the Chair of the NeuroGAP Advisory Board, and Senior Specialist and Lecturer Dr. Saeeda […]

GINGER Seminar with Addis Ababa University – April 2019

On April 18, 2019, GINGER held a one-day seminar collaboration with the Department of Psychiatry at Addis Ababa University in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The workshop was split into two programs: (1) Genetics Research and (2) General Research. The first half introduced DNA Sequencing Technologies led by Dr. Elizabeth Atkinson (Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard), […]

GINGER On-site Training in Addis Ababa – November 2019

GINGER held the program’s 4th on-site training from November 18-22, 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in collaboration with the Department of Psychiatry at Addis Ababa University. The one-week workshop focused on introductory biostatistics and the use of R programming for statistical analysis. The workshop was led by GINGER’S PI, Dr. Lori Chibnik in collaboration with […]