GINGER On-site Training in Campeche, Mexico – January 2019

GINGER and the NeuroMex project recently collaborated to provide a research skills training course for NeuroMex study team members. The goal of the training was to begin providing the project’s clinical researchers with research skills needed to work with and analyze NeuroMex study data. Led by GINGER & NeuroMex Team Members Courtney White, Kristi Post, Brena Sena and Dr. Pamela Morales, the training took place from January 27 – 31st in Campeche, Mexico and focused on biostatistical analysis and R programming skills. GINGER Teaching Fellows, Dr. Carla Márquez-Luna [(Mt. Sinai), Aarón Sonabend [Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health), and Dr. Alejandro Reyes (Dana-Farber, Harvard-Chan & the Broad Institute), adapted GINGER curriculum and led all training instruction in Spanish.
The training kicked off with opening remarks by Dr. José Luis González Pinzón, the Campeche State Secretary of Health, Dr. Saúl Arroyo, Director of the Campeche Psychiatric Hospital, and study PI Dr. Beatriz Camarena. Highlights of the week included NeuroMex team members working in R with their own study data, a cross-sharing discussion of lessons learned in study implementation and team building outside of teaching hours. The training was supported by a Mexico Innovation Fund grant from the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University, with support from the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research.